Sun & Fun Pool Openings include the following services and products:
Start up of pump, filter, heater
Installation of handrails and ladders
Removal of winter plugs
1 bottle of Sequa-Sol
1 bottle of Algimycin 2000
Add on Services:
Cover removal
Vacuum to waste
Weekly cleaning
Weekly chemical check
Helpful Hints for a Successful Spring Opening:
Have ladders and handrails out and ready for installation
If removing the cover yourself, try to prevent any excess leaves or debris from falling into the pool.
Have the water filled up to the middle of the skimmer (square opening near the top of the pool wall)
Have the power to your pool equipment ON
Sun & Fun Pool Closings include the following services and products:
Winterization of pump, filter, heater
Removal of handrails and ladders
Winter chemicals
Add on Services:
Cover installation
Polaris maintenance
Salt Cell maintenance
Helpful Hints for a Successful Fall Closing:
Make sure all gizzmos and plugs are poolside and ready for installation
Please make sure your pool is drained at least 3 inches below the returns (the jets or round fittings that bring the water back into the pool)
**All services outside of our 15 mile service range are subject to a travel fee